After years of anticipation, “Stranger Things” is officially returning for its fifth and final season, promising an epic conclusion to the beloved Netflix supernatural saga. However, fans may have to endure a prolonged wait for the series’ finale, with delays attributed to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Hollywood strikes of 2023.
Millie Bobby Brown, who portrays the iconic character Eleven, recently shared some exciting insights into the highly anticipated fifth season. Speaking with The Sun, the actress revealed the joyous atmosphere on set, emphasizing that the cast and crew are thrilled to be reunited and immersed in the production.
“We’re having fun,” Brown shared, reflecting on the camaraderie among the star-studded cast. “We’re all back together again and we’re not thinking about the end. The crew is happy, the cast are happy and we’re really excited.”
However, Brown also acknowledged the bittersweet sentiment surrounding the conclusion of the series, likening it to graduating high school and embarking on a new chapter in life. Despite bidding farewell to her character Eleven, Brown expressed gratitude for the significant role “Stranger Things” played in her life.
“It’s been such a huge factor in part of my life,” she remarked. “But it’s like graduating high school, like senior year… it’s time to live your own life, it’s time for it to end.”
In addition to discussing her emotional journey with the show, Brown revealed her fascination with psychic readings, offering a glimpse into her personal interests beyond the realm of acting.
Meanwhile, glimpses from the set hint at intriguing developments for Season 5, including the potential resurrection of fan-favorite characters and the continuation of beloved storylines. Despite the challenges and setbacks, anticipation remains high for the epic finale of “Stranger Things,” promising an unforgettable conclusion to one of Netflix’s most beloved series.